Friday, April 18, 2008

lights, camera, action...

my sister is snoring on the couch.
i just bristled and cooed simultaneously at my Mom for announcing her love for me.
she doesn't emote so gently very often.
and im nervous as shit about our event tomorrow night.

i've had words with so many people. had to bribe, persuade and deny so much shit. i mean, the world of gossip is simply the definition of the word gossip

  • chitchat: light informal conversation for social occasions
  • dish the dirt: wag one's tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies; "She won't dish the dirt"
  • a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people; "the divorce caused much gossip"
  • a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
  • chew the fat: talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
  • Gossip consists of casual or idle talk of any sort, sometimes (but not always) slanderous and/or devoted to discussing others. Compare ''''.

  • chew on that. um, im most excited to party with my friends cat, james, josh and vee. long time crew. LOVE those folks. not one thing could really take that away. its sort of brilliant all the shit we've been through. we're just friends, nothing changes, nothing stays the same.

    alot of chatter today anywhoo about the people set to attend. celebs, non celebs we shall see but i'm excited for this to happen. finally. ive snapped on so many people lately but in this way that is only met with understanding. and the fact that i'm a woman coming unglued.

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